sábado, 18 de junio de 2011


I felt how my mind created a barrier, billions of movements inside my brain like a war between transmitters. The barrier worked fine, but sometimes a group of transmitters penetrates the barrier and my brain give orders to open/close or on/off to fight against that intruders, using an extremely perfect and complex system. This system give us the posibility to choose between a billion of phrases from our languaje without chance of error in the most cases and processes travels at the speed of light.

I could felt every atom of every brick of my brain wall. Everytime the electricity hits a neuronal center and creates a coloured and shining spectacle, a beautiful mind spectacle. When I focus to see with my eyes, although I didn't closed my eyes at no time, the time stopped and my steps stops with time. I just walked a few steps since the begining of my assimilation of that complex mind process. Billion of things  happening in a few seconds inside my body. If my mind can hold an entire universe, I begin to think that I can't understand or assimilate my own mind, because I can't assimilate the infinity as an human. 

I'm the controller of that mind, then I could control that mental universe, but I can't understand it.

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