lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

Blue for a paradise

I live in a perfect planet. With great forests of ancient tales, rivers forming perfect forms giving us the elixir of the freshwater, great plains graced by the sunlight... reflected by the leafs, mountains spiting fire from her hearts, wonderful seas of secrets and starry nights, inmense deserts of fire and ice...

But I can't walk peacefully thru the plains, I can't hear just the mountains, I can't feel secure in this financial paradise... I miss our ancient paradise. Everywhere I put my eyes and I just saw another kind of paradise. Paradise of no one, hell for everyone.

I can't feel secure walking thru the streets of a labyrinthic city. I worry so much of my fear to humans because at this moment of the timeline of our existence, this dreamed future of everyone, is really dangerous. I can't walk thru the forests of my village fearing a human. There's a horrible thing about my mind's situation, and make me think why? Why am I afraid of my brothers? Because mankind demostrated the lost of our links by various factors (too large to tell it now).

The human forgot our brotherhood, our union as earth habitants. We divide our paradise using lines, weapons and flags. If you aren't an habitant of my circle, please go away to your triangle. Then they have his circles and triangles divided in hundred circles and triangles, breaking the nexus between a guy from the desert of ice and a guy from the desert of fire. We must think in a new flag, a new lines and a new kind of weapons. A flag representing our planet, a new line in the horizon of space and the most powerful weapon of the known universe, our brains.

In the past decades our spacecrafts discovers new paradises, probably with his peculiar habitants... I believe in life as long that exists the perfect conditions to develop a carbon evolution.

Then, if we find paradises like these... Prepare to find habitants... I can't talk about the habitants, I ignore wether they made the same mistakes as we did, or how easy or difficult is make that kind of mistake. In both cases the results are extraordinarily shoking.

1 comentario:

  1. This human fear reminds me of myself.
    I'm trying to work ir out...

    We definitely have to talk, man.
