jueves, 30 de junio de 2011

Liana of deads

I was touching the other side with the tip of my fingers.

Energy, electricity, strong sounds, warm, and a strange sensations...

I could feel warm, the energy from that other side running thru my feet, feel how that energy ran all over my body... Then, the sound... I never had heard that sound. Was like thousands of gigantic insects flying inside my brain and producing that ZBOMMM!! It's impossible to describe this kind of personal and mental situations.

My soul trying to probe more of that side... My soul trying to go there, trying to cross the barrier of space and time, to break the barrier of matter. My mind need that medicine.

I couldn't use the medicine correctly, and I just stroked the other dimension.

I hope to cure myself, I need it.

sábado, 25 de junio de 2011


Have you ever had that feeling of wanting to fix everything in the blink of an eye?
Have you ever wondered how are the grains of sand on a beach? or how many grains there are?
Telekinesis & clairvoyance. Let's go to a remote future and illuminate your mind with that wisdom.
You can fix yourself.

lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

Lost into the labyrinth

With blood in my hands I write this words... Cuts are so painful... but my physic pain is just a spoon of water of an infinite ocean, my soul pain.

The people don't understand me. This kind of world is not made for me. My ideas are really contradictory against the weight of this monetary SHIT.

The sadness of think that I can work into a slave dungeon breaks my heart. Well, you need the work and you need your money at the end of the month, you need a house with a pool, money to pay a doctor to cure your diseases, and a perfect life with papers in your pockets.

Why the people doesn't understand me when I say: For me, its more wonderful and its a dream to see how I take care of a plant, of a life... than take and fill some papers in a bank?

It has been a long time since I cried. Well, I need to enter in this spider web sometimes.


No. Just a lament for that human base error. I discover the wheel to help the people. Ok, well... I'll use your wheel to kill people.

Now it's time to enter into my fears and fight them. I'll follow the people.... Eat shit if you need money. Ok, I'll do it... I hope you have the reason....

sábado, 18 de junio de 2011


I felt how my mind created a barrier, billions of movements inside my brain like a war between transmitters. The barrier worked fine, but sometimes a group of transmitters penetrates the barrier and my brain give orders to open/close or on/off to fight against that intruders, using an extremely perfect and complex system. This system give us the posibility to choose between a billion of phrases from our languaje without chance of error in the most cases and processes travels at the speed of light.

I could felt every atom of every brick of my brain wall. Everytime the electricity hits a neuronal center and creates a coloured and shining spectacle, a beautiful mind spectacle. When I focus to see with my eyes, although I didn't closed my eyes at no time, the time stopped and my steps stops with time. I just walked a few steps since the begining of my assimilation of that complex mind process. Billion of things  happening in a few seconds inside my body. If my mind can hold an entire universe, I begin to think that I can't understand or assimilate my own mind, because I can't assimilate the infinity as an human. 

I'm the controller of that mind, then I could control that mental universe, but I can't understand it.

lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

Blue for a paradise

I live in a perfect planet. With great forests of ancient tales, rivers forming perfect forms giving us the elixir of the freshwater, great plains graced by the sunlight... reflected by the leafs, mountains spiting fire from her hearts, wonderful seas of secrets and starry nights, inmense deserts of fire and ice...

But I can't walk peacefully thru the plains, I can't hear just the mountains, I can't feel secure in this financial paradise... I miss our ancient paradise. Everywhere I put my eyes and I just saw another kind of paradise. Paradise of no one, hell for everyone.

I can't feel secure walking thru the streets of a labyrinthic city. I worry so much of my fear to humans because at this moment of the timeline of our existence, this dreamed future of everyone, is really dangerous. I can't walk thru the forests of my village fearing a human. There's a horrible thing about my mind's situation, and make me think why? Why am I afraid of my brothers? Because mankind demostrated the lost of our links by various factors (too large to tell it now).

The human forgot our brotherhood, our union as earth habitants. We divide our paradise using lines, weapons and flags. If you aren't an habitant of my circle, please go away to your triangle. Then they have his circles and triangles divided in hundred circles and triangles, breaking the nexus between a guy from the desert of ice and a guy from the desert of fire. We must think in a new flag, a new lines and a new kind of weapons. A flag representing our planet, a new line in the horizon of space and the most powerful weapon of the known universe, our brains.

In the past decades our spacecrafts discovers new paradises, probably with his peculiar habitants... I believe in life as long that exists the perfect conditions to develop a carbon evolution.

Then, if we find paradises like these... Prepare to find habitants... I can't talk about the habitants, I ignore wether they made the same mistakes as we did, or how easy or difficult is make that kind of mistake. In both cases the results are extraordinarily shoking.

sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

Differences between applauses into a box and applauses into a sphere

Can you imagine how disconcerting is to stay in a box where the people claps? It's a normal way of humans to celebrate something...

I was in the town hall... A girl of my classroom will receive a reward for the "excellent student". And me... into another dimension, trying to solve the mental chaos I had because the applauses of the celebration. Poisoned people celebrating the poisoning of another human. I don't say that is bad to take a reward for your work... I think, the bad thing is take a reward for learn "nothing" into a entire year. Learning to get in the poison. I do that too and I'm preparing myself for a poisoned future. It's horrible!

The ceremony ends quickly... phew! No more poison-celebrations with applauses!

Inside a box you can hear the applauses of the people. Inside the sphere you can hear the applauses of the mountains, of the trees, of the water, of the clouds... Generally, of the life, of the planet.

We know that the sphere and the box has nothing in common. Maybe the only one thing in common are the applauses. The human celebrates shaking his hands and drinking an expensive bottle of champagne... But in nature, the applauses that I heared, wasn't a celebration...

In the great connection with the nature, you can hear the heart of the mountains and see how they suffer being a witness of the artificialization of the human. You can see how the earth destroys our streets, breaking our artificiality. The nature destroys our buildings with a little body shake of the planet. I read an interesting way to build another kind of tower without think in a box, it's not easy... neither complex.

We don't have a method to adapt our things to the nature but we have methods to adapt the nature to ourselves, and this is a great problem for the human, a great mistake.

We are just waiting... We don't have solutions... We can't go to the past and change the things... not yet... But in my heart of man, in my cosmic brain, there's a hope... A last hope for the human in this planet. The human must abandon his poisons as the money, egoism, free suffering, wars, etc. Unthinkable? I don't think so, I think about it every day. If I can think in a better way to live our lives (in my opinion), the other humans can think the same, so... it's not unthinkable.

I need to tell and write more phases of my journey through my universe, but now I've got an ice cream waiting for me... and I love ice creams.

See you soon! I hope!

viernes, 10 de junio de 2011

Plains of creation

I am about to begin a journey. A journey of discovery, to discover my environment, to discover myself. I've got the key of the door... The door opens slowly and gently let you see the other side of it. I can feel neurotransmitters traveling at the speed of light giving orders to my brain. I can feel how nature calls to my window and enlight my dark box.

I think she's calling me, saying: "Come, and see what I am".

I need a notebook, tobacco, and the pleasure of see my universe, my inner universe another time.